Glossary of Terms
We always try to keep things simple, but sometimes you just come up with a cool name for something and like to be unique.
Below is a list of the terminology we use in our platform, you will recognise most but there are a few unique ones which are specific to our products, for anything you are unsure of please feel free to email
Image asset which will be displayed in the top left of the browser viewport in published Spheres
Image asset which will be displayed in the browser tab
Background Image
The image you have uploaded to be used as your Sphere background
Control button
UI element which is displayed in the bottom right of the browser viewport in published Spheres
The state of a Sphere which can be accessed via private url. You would generate a Sphere from Curator in order to see how the final version would look and to test interactive elements
The final state of a Sphere which is now accessible publicly via the connected domain and url
A profile type with limited functionality
A profile type with extended functionality
A UI container element which presents data in HTML/CSS. Typically achieved by applying an overlay action to an object in Curator
The design process for Sphere. You will see this button when you access one of your Spheres in Pubtools. It launches Curator
Control Bar
The top navigation bar in Curator. Allows you to switch between various functions or modes
The work area in Curator
Horizon line
The cameras vertical position in Sphere. Adjusting this will affect the viewers perspective. It can be previewed in Curator by using the 3D preview function
Start Point
The horizontal position of the Sphere which is shown when a generated or published Sphere is loaded
3D Preview
Non-interactive preview of a generated/published Sphere.
The object order of assets in Curator. Use the layers panel to move objects in front of or behind each other
A 'group' of objects in Curator. Clusters allow you to automatically layout image data and set Cluster specific SEO
Future function, coming soon - Not yet active in Curator
Mode where you can drag and drop interaction on to canvas objects
Last updated
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