
The Settings page in your Cozmos Space allows you to configure integrations and Space wide settings for all of your Spheres.

Space settings

Purchasing Flow

Define purchase flow if not using an ecommerce integration. Read our Ecommerce Guide for more information.

Error Response

Configure 404 redirection for all domains in your Space.


Set base styling options for overlays.

Single Sign-On Providers

Configure SSO providers (Currently only Okta is supported).

Domain Management

Confgire custom domains for your Space. Read our Domain Management guide for more information.


Configure defualt currencies if not using an ecommerce integration.


Configure Cookies overlay styling and content.

Ecommerce Providers

Configure ecommerce integration (Currently only Shopify is supported). Read our Ecommerce Guide for more information.


Configure your Sphere analytics (Currently only GTM is supported). Read our Analytics Guide for more information.

Last updated