Space Core Areas

This guide will briefly take you through all the menu options within the Cozmos Space, and direct you to more detailed guides for specific areas.


Upload and manage images to be used within your Sphere designs

  • Upload a maximum of 50 images at a time

  • PNG and JPG formats supported

  • There is no validation of Image Asset resolution so please ensure you consider your usage when creating assets for Sphere. The 32x zoom available within Sphere means that larger you intend to use an image in your design, the more quality you will want to support zooming in.

    • For 'large' use cases we find that images around 6k in resolution work extremely well in Sphere. We support up to 8k.

  • To find out more about image SEO. Read our SEO Guide.


Assets are files you upload which will be used across various UI component and in your design.

Asset TypeDescriptionUsage


Upload brand logos for your Spheres

Appears top left of a Published Sphere


Upload Favicon assets for your Sphere

Appears in the browser tab

Background Images

For a detailed overview read our Backgrounds Guide.


Overlay Content

Upload various data types to be displayed in overlays.


Audio Content

Upload audio files for your Sphere.


Control Button

Control buttons can be used as single end point navigation

Appears bottom right of a Published Sphere


Add custom fonts for your design


UI Image Assets

Add assets for various UI elements such as cookies policy and Search

Appears on Published Spheres

Video Content

Upload video files for Curator.



Create and manage the Spheres within your Space

Click on a Sphere in your list to either launch Curator or adjust Sphere specific settings

As you progress through the creation, generation and publishing of your Sphere/s this view will change to reflect the various states of your Sphere and will also show you any URLs associated with your Sphere.

In the Generated state you will see a temporary url for the Sphere you are working on, this url will change every time you generate.

The final step is to Publish your Sphere. Once this is done, the Sphere will become publicly accessible via the assigned domain.

Once a Sphere is published you have two options to make edits:

Clone to draft

  • This is will allow you to create a copy of the published Sphere and work on it in Curator.

Use the Curate button

  • This will open up the current Draft state Sphere where you can continue to work on your design. The Clone to draft function becomes helpful if you have altered the design in a way which you don't want to continue with and want to reset the Draft version to match the current Published design.


  • Enable password so only those with the password credentials can access the sphere

The sphere must already be published for you to set a password!

Sphere Settings

Opening the Settings page on your Sphere will allow you to:

  • Set the Logo, Control Button, Sharing options, Favicon and Product Search function

  • Set overlay colour options

  • On Shopify Ecommerce Spheres, adjust Sphere specific overlay UI options. To set a primary style for all Ecommerce overlays, across all of your Spheres, you should do this in the Space Settings page.


The Products page allows you to search and edit any product you have added to your Cozmos space. Edit SEO details, add images, set variant images and assign categories.

For a full overview, please read our Ecommerce Guide.


Create and manage categories to organise your Sphere products. This is beneficial in Curator as you can 'Add' categories, allowing for batch imports rather than selecting products one at a time.


Create and manage tags to organise your images. This is beneficial in Curator as you can 'Add' tags, allowing for batch imports rather than selecting images one at a time.

Last updated