Control Bar
The Control Bar in Curator is how you Add content, change modes and Generate or Publish your Sphere
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The Control Bar in Curator is how you Add content, change modes and Generate or Publish your Sphere
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There are currently 9 areas within the Curator Control Bar.
From left to right, these areas are:
Add / Import
Add objects to the canvas
Adjust Horizon Line and Start Point
3D Preview
Enter non-interactive preview mode
Toggle on/off layers panel
Displays current Sphere name or Mode
Add a Cluster to the canvas
Enter Actions mode
Sphere Icon
Save or Generate current Sphere
Each object type or mode has various Contextual Edit Panels. Take a look at the Edit Panel guide for more information.
This is how you add various object types to the canvas.
Select one or more product/s to add to the canvas
Select an entire product category to add to the canvas
Select a tag group of image assets
Add a text element to the canvas (renders in the centre of the canvas)
Select one or more image/s to add to the canvas
Add a video object to the canvas
Add/Edit background used for the Sphere
Add a shape element to the canvas (Currently limited to rectangle)
Line Drawing
Turn on point based drawing tool
Setup has two contextual edit panels on the right side of canvas area
Horizon Line
Adjust the Horizon line of your Sphere
Start Point
Set the start position of your Sphere
The horizon line has a default setting which we have selected but is not always appropriate for the concept you want to produce.
Adjusting the value up or down is essentially moving the 'camera' (viewer perspective) on a horizontal access.
You can preview any change you make to the Horizon line by switching to 3D preview mode. To reset to the default, use the reset button which appears when you select the Horizon Line option from the edit panel.
3D preview allows you to see how your design will look once generated in a Sphere. This is currently a non-interactive state but we are actively working on this mode to give you an enhanced preview of your final design.
Use this button to toggle the layers panel on/off. You can also find the Grid and Safe area guides function within the layers panel.
Use this button to add a Cluster to your canvas.
Clusters are how we group data in Curator. When you import a category or tag, a cluster is automatically generated. This is indicated by a dashed line on the image container.
Clusters are powerful layout tool as they are responsive containers which you can add, remove and edit the position of contained content. Content within a Cluster will also scale to fit the available space.
Experiment with the Packing Settings when working with Clusters to fine tune the automatic layout options.
Actions are how you bring your Sphere to life. The list below gives an overview of the Actions currently available within Curator.
You can add an Action by dragging the Action you have selected to an object, or by having the object selected and then clicking on the desired action
Product Overlay
Trigger an Ecommerce Overlay when the viewer clicks on this object
Link Action
Send view to an external link or display iFramed content on the Sphere
Image Overlay
Trigger an image lightbox
Content Carousel
A type of "Image Overlay" action to put more than one image/video into the Overlay (more)
Video Overlay
Trigger a video overlay on the Sphere
Animate Action
Animate the viewer to a set destination on the current Sphere or any published Sphere within your Cozmos Space
Actions will only be interactive on a Generated or Published Sphere
While in Actions mode, you can tell if an object already has an action applied by looking for the orange icon on the top right of the object container.
To view the action, simply click the orange icon and you will be able to view, edit and delete the action.
The final Control Bar item is where you Save or Generate your Sphere.
Saving will store the current state of your design in Draft stage and Generate will create a referenceable link where you can view an interactive version of your Sphere.
Generation time will vary based on how many objects you have in your Sphere design but we find it is generally complete within 30 to 60 seconds.
Once complete you will be presented with an overlay where you can either return to Pubtools to Publish your Sphere or you can link to the Generated version.
Clicking outside of, or closing this overlay will return you to the Curator canvas where you can continue to work on your design.