
Welcome to our guide on Animation and Animation Paths! This article will help you understand how to use these features to create engaging and dynamic experiences within your sphere.

What are Animations?

Animations allow you to smoothly navigate from one object to another within the same sphere or between different spheres. Think of them as guided tours that make your content come alive.

How it works

When you set up an animation, users will be seamlessly directed from one object to another.

Where you can use it

You can apply animations to almost any object type except for clusters and videos. However, the endpoint of the animation path can be any object type without limitations.

Animation Paths

Animation paths make managing your animations easier and more flexible. Here’s what you can do with them:

  • Flexibility: Any object can now be a start or end point, with no limitations

  • Ease of Use: Use drag-and-drop functionality to easily manage the order of your animations.

  • Customisation Options: Adjust the delay, duration, and type of animation (such as linear, ease in/out, and bounce). You can also set zoom options if you want the animation to zoom in or out on the object.

If an object used in the path is deleted, the path will error, and the sphere cannot be generated. Always ensure that all objects in your path exist and are properly set up.

Use of Animation Paths

Animation paths are versatile and can be used for several purposes:

  1. Create a Specific Experience: You can create a path and share its link with your target audience, giving them the specific experience you want them to have.

  2. Demo Experience: Assign paths to control buttons to create a β€˜demo’ experience for users. This way, when they click a button, it follows the defined path

  3. Future Features: In upcoming releases, you will be able to use arrows to navigate spheres using animation paths.

Special Features

  • Animation Autoplay: Animation can start automatically when a sphere is opened.

  • Loop Animation: Animations can repeat until a user interacts with them.

NOTE: This cannot be used simultaneously with the β€˜Apply Final Object’s Action’ feature

  • Apply Final Object’s Action: When the animation path reaches the last object, the action assigned to that object will be executed (e.g navigating to another sphere or opening an overylay).

COMING SOON: Animation Paths v2

We are already working on enhancements to animation paths! In the next sprint, users will be able to manage their animation paths directly on the canvas with a new, collapsed view of the "Manage Animations" pop-up. This will make it even easier to set up and control your animations! Watch this space!

Last updated