
How to connect your Linkfire content to Cozmos

Setting up Linkfire for Cozmos

In your Cozmos Space go to: Settings / Social Media Integrations / Linkfire

The 'Title' field allows you to name the content you are linking, this makes it easier to find when browsing what content to add in Curator through the Social Content Link Action

For Linkfire we support both widget types: Clickthrough and Showcase.


This style features a prominent album artwork with a play button, when the play button is pressed the artwork will move to reveal a music player along with links to your available platforms to purchase/listen. This list of links is determined by how you have configured your link


This widget is similar to the Showcase widget but does not initially display album artwork and can be configured to point to various end point urls.

Linkfire does have certain limitations:

  • The widget only works for links with audio sample previews, not with links that use a video preview or no preview. Learn how to add an audio sample preview here.

  • Pre-release links are not supported for widgets.

Copy the relevant information of whichever content type you would like to embed in the Add Content section of the Social Media Integration settings.

There is no limit to how many content links you can add, but we recommend naming them clearly so you can easily find them in Curator when applying the Social Content Link action.

Last updated