๐ŸŽฎNavigation Buttons

Navigation buttons are used to highlight actions you want user to perform and to ease their Navigation on the Sphere.

Getting Started

Go to Settings within a "Work in Progress" Sphere and in section "Navigation" enable "Navigation Buttons".

Choose the amount of control buttons you want and the alignment of where they will display on your sphere

You can have up to 5 control buttons

There is an option of three navigation elements: control button, menu, and product search

Control Button

These are customizable buttons that can take users to different objects or external URLS. Choose a title and customise the text for the control button and add an image to represent your button.

Images must already be uploaded onto your Space in Assets. To see how to do this, visit our article on Assets here

This is where you set the behaviour of the control button.

  • External: takes user to a defined URL outside of the sphere. You can choose to have this open in a new tab

  • Internal: choose to navigate to an object in a published sphere within your space

Sphere must be published for you to link it to navigation.

This will give you a list of all published spheres in your space to choose from

Choose the sphere you wish to navigate to. You can navigate to an object within the sphere you are currently editing, or navigate to a whole other sphere within your space.

You can Link and finish, if no further actions are required.

To navigate to a specific object, click next

This will give you object destinations (objects refer to the items in that sphere, which can range from clusters, image, videos etc)

You will only see type of objects that are in selected sphere.

Remember to always name your objects clearly so that you can differentiate later on!

If the object you have selected has an action applied to it, such as audio or video autoplay, you can choose to either apply the action at the end of the navigation or to start the action without navigation to the object.

Click "Save" and you're done! โœ”๏ธ

These provide a list of options, helping them navigate to different parts of your content.

  1. Customise the menu elements

  1. Choose the amount of menu items and customise each one

  1. Choose to navigate to an external or internal link and whether you want this to open up in the same tab or a new tab

This feature allows users to search for specific products within your spheres, making it easier to find product information.

This is only useful if you have products within your sphere, as the search is linked to products' data

Here you can customise your search bar with colours and text settings, before seeing the preview of your changes.

Product Search Configuration

  • Choose which spheres to exclude from the search and specify search fields

Make sure to have detailed product names and descriptions! You can find the article on Products here

  • Customise what users will see when no search results are found

The icon must already be uploaded in UI Image Assets. Read the full guide here

Now click "Save Changes", Generate your Sphere in Curator, and you're done โœ”๏ธ

Assets for Navigation elements

Here you can find assets for your navigation elements. Just upload a ZIP file with elements needed and use those you like! You can customize these assets with your preferred design tools.

Last updated